
Problem Note 38085: BY-line information might be missing from SAS/GRAPH® output when using the MINIMAL style

DetailsAboutRate It
When using a BY statement with a SAS/GRAPH procedure, BY-line information might be missing from the graphics output when using the MINIMAL ODS style. This problem typically occurs when using the STYLE=MINIMAL option on the ODS HTML statement.

To circumvent the problem, do one of the following:

  1. Use an ODS style other than the MINIMAL style. For example, you can use the DEFAULT or SASWEB style.

  2. Add the HTEXT= option to the GOPTIONS statement in the code. For example:
       goptions htext=10 pt;

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS/GRAPHz/OS9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft® Windows® for 64-Bit Itanium-based Systems9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter 64-bit Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 64-bit Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft® Windows® for x649.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Windows Vista9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled AIX9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled HP-UX9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled Solaris9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
HP-UX IPF9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Linux9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Linux for x649.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
OpenVMS on HP Integrity9.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
Solaris for x649.2 TS1M09.3 TS1M0
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.